Original airdate: April 22, 2007
Konnichi-wa! Previously on The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Japan, a sweeping saga of tragedy and triumph in an exotic land both ancient and modern...
Konnichi-wa! Previously on The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Japan, a sweeping saga of tragedy and triumph in an exotic land both ancient and modern...
Following the rehearsal dinner, our intrepid heroines, having ingested a goodly amount of alcohol, stagger back to the Grand Palace Hotel.
And now, Episode 4...

Eden decides to skip the so-called "second party," a much less formal gathering of the young people, opting instead for the company of her mother-in-law. Miko and her sister Cathy, however, are game and head out for a night of revelry.
The next day, our intrepid heroines' final full day in Japan, is rather uneventful, though they do manage to squeeze in a visit to a lovely temple at the base of Mount Bizan. They are currently making preparations for their trip home and are very hopeful that a flood of fan mail will herald their return to the United States.
As The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Japan comes to a close, Eden offers this haiku:
Long journey to come.
Hours spent on a plane not fun.
May I have drugs now?© Eden Feuer