Original airdate: April 20, 2007
Konnichi-wa! Previously on The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Japan...
Our intrepid heroines brave the curious stares of the staff and patrons at the hot springs to soak their aching muscles and other sore body parts.
Eden, feeling self-righteous and inspired by the experience, composes haiku.
The producers of this epic adventure are pleased to report that a flood of fan mail followed Episode 2.
Reverend Anthony Tang sent in 2 haiku of his own, which the producers would like to share with other loyal fans:
Beautiful spring day.
Black kites soaring overhead.
Two bikes, two sore butts.
Bicycling all day.
Onsen requires nakedness?!?!
Strips dignity too.
The producers of The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Japan invite all readers to submit haiku inspired by the program.
And now, the long-awaited third installment of this sweeping saga of tragedy in an exotic land both ancient and modern...
The scent of incense permeates the air of Ishite-ji, the most famous temple of the 88 that makes up the island of Shikoku's pilgrimage circuit. Perhaps the smell goes to Eden's head, for once again she feels compelled to compose haiku. Here are her latest masterpieces, both in the classical 5-7-5 configuration:
White face not from here.
This my chance to speak English.
Where you from, whitey?
So cold is the night.
But get up to pee I must.
Ahh! Warm toilet seat.
A 4-hour train journey brings our intrepid heroines to Tokushima, where they check into the Grand Palace Hotel. Eden is deeply disappointed to discover that the toilets, while fancy, do not feature heated seats. She suggests finding another hotel, but Yumiko nixes the idea.

In the company of other partygoers, our two heroines weave their way back to their hotel, hoping for some sleep before the next day's festivities.
Be sure to tune in to Episode 4, in which Yumiko and Eden attend a traditional Japanese wedding.
The producers of The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Japan look forward to your emails and are eager to read your haiku.
© Eden Feuer
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