Original airdate: March 4, 2008
Two Crazy Chicks Productions is pleased to present Episode 2 of The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Mexico.
A couple of hours go by with no word on Hershey or the cat-sitter. Eden is seriously considering jumping in the car and driving the two and half hours it would take to get to Phoenix from Blythe. She is immensely relieved when she finally tracks down Laurie, who relays that (1) much to Jake's disappointment, she was not arrested and (2) after dropping Jake off, she returned to the condo to find Hershey sitting there calmly, blinking his green eyes, acting for all the world as if nothing out of the ordinary happened and he can't understand what all of the fuss is about. Laurie, however, is convinced that she will need years of therapy to recover from the trauma and is taking donations to help cover the cost of her treatment. #@%! cat.
The next morning Miko and Eden venture into enormous, little-visited Kofa National Wildlife Refuge without the recommended 4-wheel drive vehicle. They get about 5 miles before their car gets stuck. Deep ruts and loose gravel cause the tires to spin uselessly and the stench of burning rubble and dust fills the air.
Will our intrepid heroines manage to extricate their car? To find out, tune in to Episode 3 of The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Mexico.
© Eden Feuer
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