This, the very first episode of The Adventures, first "aired" on Wednesday, July 5, 2006:
Welcome to Episode 1 of The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Oregon. In this episode...
Our intrepid heroes emerge from three nights in the Oregon backcountry desperately in need of a shower and clean socks. They have successfully camped in remote and primitive Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, where they spent two hours trying to choose a campsite ("What about this one?" "Uh, I don't know. It looks okay. What do you think?" "Uh..."), sent countless mosquitoes to an early death, stalked pronghorn and other wildlife, soaked their tired feet in the natural hot springs, and hiked to the falls of DeGarmo Canyon (photo).
This evening Eden and Miko are happily ensconced in a hotel in Burns, Oregon (10 Bonus Points to the first reader who locates Burns on a map). They are deeply appreciative of the running water, hot shower, and flush toilet. And, given that they have free wireless internet access, they expect to find many emails from their adoring public (that's YOU, in case you weren't aware) when they return tomorrow night from their adventures in Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Be sure to check back for exciting Episode 2 of The Adventures of Yumiko and Eden in Oregon.
© Eden Feuer
Eden , you are totally cool and this is hysterical!!